Current auditions
Do you want to spend your summer doing something fun and memorable? Then why not join YESPA and sign up for our 2023 summer production of The Wind in the Willows!
There is no audition process to join YESPA as a member, or enjoy our workshops, however, you must Audition for our summer production, after first becoming a member.
The Wind in the Willow auditions 2023
Click here for audition material - Click here
Accessing the Audition Materials:
Thank you to all those who registered their interest in auditioning to be in The Wind in the Willows and who came to the Launch Night. A password giving you access to the audition material will be emailed to you.
If you did not register your interest or attend the Launch Night (Nov 24th), but you are still interested in being in the show, please send an email to yespateam@gmail.com and we will send you the Password.
Audition Day:
08 Jan 2023 | 8.30 am | The Wind in the Willow Auditions | The Colman Redland Community Centre, Croydon Rd, Reigate RH2 0NA
Everyone auditioning must attend the morning workshop whether trying for a Principal role or an Ensemble role. Principal auditions will be held during the afternoon.
Recalls Day (by invitation):
22 Jan 2023 | Venue and times tbc
Character breakdowns- Click here
Link to Audition Registration Form - Click here
What to expect at auditions
We understand that auditioning for the first time, or any time for that matter can be daunting! Don't worry, YESPA is an open and welcoming company and we strive to support our members throughout the audition process in the best possible ways.
Our auditions always start with 'welcomes' and 'warm-ups' to make everyone feel comfortable, prepared, and in the right frame of mind to perform. During your audition, we are always looking for the best in each performer, and we're not looking to catch people out!
So prepare your material beforehand to the best of your ability and enjoy performing to us!
Casting decisions and theatre as a collaboration
Not all of your principal auditions will be successful and we've all experienced the let down of rejection. You may not have the part you wanted but we remind you that everyone's contribution to a show's performance is important and valued. Theatre is a collaborative effort and performances are always better when everyone works together.
The creative team are looking to create an entire ensemble, and not just focus on individuals with parts that are more important than others. So trust their decisions, see the production as a whole, and perform to your best in whatever acting role you're in..